(800) 297-5379

Learn ExAM from End to End

ExAM is easy to use to build surveys, assessments, and data collections. Like with any enterprise application there are some advanced features you may want to check out to take your data collection activities to the next level and unlock real insight from your data.

Dozens of Modules

Comprehensive Training Driving Exceptional Outcomes

Our training modules cover all of the key aspects of ExAM including the items most likely to turn up on ExAM Certification ExAMs. Get to know ExAM inside and out and become a real ExAM Data Ninja!

Assess Anything

Gather information in the context of your Salesforce objects. Measure satisfaction on a product by product or account by account basis. Understand when to use a custom object and how to use the context of your Salesforce Org to ensure you are getting the most out of your EXAM insights.

Scoring Models

Learn how to develop advanced scoring models that enable you to support decision making and tie into Salesforce workflows. Scoring can be a key factor in driving actionable information gathering efforts. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how to quantify the data you gather.

Field Mapping

Learn how to map the information from your assessments and surveys right into
Salesforce. Bring data from the outside world into your Accounts, Contacts,
Leads, and Opportunities. This includes all standard and custom objects. Make keeping your data up to date as easy as sending an update request via

Watchlist Words

Learn how to map the information from your assessments and surveys right into
Salesforce. Bring data from the outside world into your Accounts, Contacts,
Leads, and Opportunities. This includes all standard and custom objects. Make keeping your data up to date as easy as sending an update request via

Standard and Advanced Styling

Make sure your assessments match your brand precisely. Learn how standard and advanced styling capabilities can take you from bland to brand perfect in minutes using preexisting templates and just a little knowledge of CSS. No previous coding knowledge required!

Decision Trees & Assessment Flow

Asking the right question the first time is better than asking a thousand questions that happen to include the right question. Learn how to get higher throughput on data calls by asking the right question at the right time.
Decision trees are all about the end customer experience.


Learn how to get your assessments in front of the right people so you can get the information you need. Learn how to develop advanced filters to easily segment users, contacts, and leads and create custom email templates, so that you can send the right message and assessments easily.

Case Feedback

Learn how to automatically ask customers for feedback when they close Service Cloud cases with ExAM! Our Case Close functionality enables you to follow up any case with a customized email template and survey SO that you can know exactly how your customers feel about the services they are receiving.

Become an Expert

ExAM is simple enough to begin using in minutes but to unlock the full power of the app you may need a little help. Our training programs can take you from just getting started to expert in days. Get the full value of your Salesforce and ExAM investment!

Get Trained!

Find the right training program

Different ExAM roles have different training needs. Our training programs are designed around specific roles from ExAM Administrators, ExAM Survey Administrators, to ExAM Inspection Administrators.

Get Certified!

Get recognized for your knowledge

Once you get trained, get recognized for it. Take one of our certification examinations and find out if you have what it takes to become an official certified ExAM Administrator.

Get Results!

Bring your skills to your Org

Trained, certified and ready to deliver outcomes. Once you have your skills in place get ready to get the most out of your ExAM and Salesforce investment.


Do I need to be a Salesforce Admin to get benefit from this training?

Having more Salesforce knowledge always helps and it really depends on what you are trying to get out of the training. ExAM is meant to be used by business users and we have training oriented towards ExAM Survey and Inspection Admins that is easily consumable by business users responsible for administering these kinds of systems. ExAM Advanced Administrator training is best consumed by those that are currently Salesforce Administrators.

You can take our training courses without ever getting certified. We offer certification to enable those with significant ExAM experience and training to get credit for those skills in their company and in the marketplace. The bottom line is that having the certification shows a level of mastery of ExAM that is worth achieving.

Of course! If you want to come to our training facility in Arlington, Va we would love to have you. We would also love to come to your facility. Just make sure you have a minimum of 5 participants. Travel expenses and venue are not covered in your location training pricing. If you have questions reach out to training@exam4enterprise.com.

This is driven by the individual training session but a general rule is that our basic training programs are structured to occur over 8 hours on two days:

  • ExAM Survey Administrator
  • ExAM Inspection Administrator

Our Advanced training sessions are structured to occur over 16 hours and 4 days.

  • ExAM Advanced Administrator
  • ExAM Advanced Administrator + Mobile

Of course! We offer training for up to 50 participants virtually and can record all training sessions so you can use them as a resource going forward.

Certifications are good for a year and do not require a training session to renew. Just stay up to date with ExAM by reading the newsletter and release notes monthly and then sign up for a certification ExAM and test your knowledge!

ExAM Training

Browse the training options. See what fits your requirements and call us if you need help figuring out what’s right for your team at (800) 297-6379.

ExAM Certification

Get proof that you are your organization’s ExAM ninja! Get trained, read the newsletter, study the release notes and get certified!

Ready to get started?